Latest News

Latest news of the Foundation

  • 12 February 2014
    In February 2014 Roy Damary presented a paper in Ekaterinburg on his experience in “on-line education”.
  • 3 February 2014
    INSAM is proud to report that thanks to our Representative Natalia Pryadilina we received financial support from the Prokhorov Foundation for student from the Ural State Forestry University to participate in INSAM intensive courses in Geneva in March.
  • 16 January 2014
    The Board of the Foundation of the Graduate Institute of Business and Management (INSAM), Geneva, is pleased to announce the appointment of Natalia Konstantinovna PRYADILINA of the Ural State Forest Engineering University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation as Lecturer in Economics and Management.

    In addition Ms Natalia Pryadilina has been appointed as Representative for the Ural Region with responsibility for liaison between INSAM and institutes of higher education in the Ural Region.
  • Archives

    • June 2013
      Dr. Roy Damary's dialogues on Innovation (open the link).
    • December 2012
      Dr. Roy Damary, Chairman of INSAM has been appointed Visiting Professor to the Ural State Forest Engineering University (Russian Federation).
    • December 2012
      Dr. Roy Damary joins the Board of Editors of the USFEU scientific magazine - “Eco-Potential”.
    • December 2012
      INSAM is currently negotiating a collaboration agreement with the Ural State Forest Engineering University (Russian Federation).